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Integrating with Microsoft Teams

How to integrate Albacross with your Microsoft Teams account

Oskar Johnson Hägglund avatar
Written by Oskar Johnson Hägglund
Updated over a week ago

This is a guide for setting up an Albacross Workflow in order to automatically notify you about companies showing intent on your website in Microsoft Teams.

The Albacross bot for Microsoft Teams is a notification-only bot that triggers in real-time and sends an overview of the company visiting and activity data.


  • A Microsoft Teams account with Administrator privileges to install apps

  • An Albacross account with Administrator privileges to connect integrations

STEP 1: Set up Albacross in you Microsoft Teams account

1. Go to your Microsoft Teams application and the account you want to install the application in

2. Navigate to Apps

3. Find the Albacross application by searching in the Apps center. Click the app to proceed.

4. Click the Add to a team button in the popup

5. Choose the Team or Channel where you want to receive your notifications

6. After choosing the correct Team and Channel, click the Set up a bot button to proceed

7. When the installation is completed you will receive a welcome message in the Channel you chose to install the bot

STEP 2: Set up Microsoft Teams in the Albacross application and configure your notification settings

1. Log into Albacross and navigate to the Workflows tab

2. Create a New Workflow

3. Select Microsoft Teams

3b. If you haven't connected Albacross to your Microsoft Teams account, you will be prompted to do so. Follow the steps on the screen in order to authorize this connection.

3c. Authorise the connection between Albacross and Microsoft Teams

3d. When the integration is authorized, a popup will appear, indicating that the installation is completed

4. Add a name for your Workflow. This will be the identifier of the workflow and we recommend you to use a self-explanatory name. This name can always be changed at a later time.

5. Add the conditions applied to the workflow in order to filter out which leads you want your Workflow to send. This filtering is added through the saved Segments from your account. If you want to create a new Segment, you can do so from the main Intent list in Albacross.

6. In the Output settings, decide if you want to:

  • Send only new companies: You will only be notified the first time a company visits your website

  • Send new and returning companies: You will be notified the first time a company visits, and you will receive a notification every time they come back to your website

7. When you have invited the Albacross Bot to a channel, it will appear in the list of Teams and Channels in the Workflows settings.

NOTE: If you can't find the Team and Channel where you want to install Albacross, make sure that you have added Albacross to it in your Microsoft Teams account, according to the STEP 1 in this guide.

8. Configure the information that you want to receive to Microsoft Teams.

NOTE: If you choose the "Link to Albacross" option, the notification message will include a link to Albacross which takes you out of the Teams application.

9. When you are satisfied with your configuration, Save changes to finalize your workflow creation.

10. The setup is done and you can find the configured workflow in you Workflows tab inside Albacross. You can always go back to your workflow if you want to edit your configuration or change the output options at any time

11. Click the Quick actions button to manage your workflow if you want to:

  • Pause the workflow and disable notifications to your channel

  • Duplicate the workflow to create a copy if you want to recreate a new workflow with the same configuration

  • Send example to send a static example to your channel to validate your configuration

  • Remove the workflow to disable and delete it permanently

11. Now you Microsoft Teams integration is installed and you will start receiving notifications as soon as any company visits your website with the correct segmentation! 🚀

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