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Adding Albacross to a private Slack channel
Adding Albacross to a private Slack channel

How to use private Slack channels with Albacross

Oskar Johnson Hägglund avatar
Written by Oskar Johnson Hägglund
Updated over 2 years ago

Do you want to integrate Albacross with a private Slack channel?

Private Slack channels are hidden by default to make sure that users that don't have access to these channels don't see the channels publically.

Because of this, the procedure to add Albacross to a private channel is slightly different than adding it to a public channel. To do this you just need to complete two steps after installing the Slack integration.

  1. Go to the channel you want to use in Slack. Click Integrations and then Add an app

2. Search for "Albacross" and click Add to add it to the channel

Now the Albacross should have been added to the channel, this is confirmed by this message:

After this you will be able to use the channel from Albacross Workflows. To do that, simply open your Slack Workflow and select Private channel in the settings, and your channel will appear.

Good luck! 🚀

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